How to Book an Official
Exhibition Games
U8 - U13 A & C
- Request game number from your League Manager
- Email the VMHA Referee Assignor - with the subject title "Request for Officials - (Team Designation - i.e., U13A1)”
- In the body of the email detail the particulars of the game: game number, home team, visiting team, location, time.
U15 - U18 A & C
- Request game number
- Email PCAHA Referee Assigning Centre - with the subject title "Request for Officials - (Team Designation - i.e., VMHA U15 A1)"
- In the body of the email detail the particulars of the game: game number, home team, visiting team, location, time.
If you request your game number from your league manager late and the game number is given to you with a note that says to arrange for your own officials (as there isn't enough time for RAC to provide officials), contact the VMHA Referee Assignor with the above information.
Regular Season Games
U8 - U13 A & C
When you receive your schedule (balancing, placement, regular season, playoffs etc) cut and paste all home games that are active into an email with the subject title "Request for officials - (team designation)" and send it to VMHA Referee Assignor. Do not include conflict games in the list.
Conflict Games - as soon as you have resolved your game, send the VMHA Referee Assignor a separate email with the details. If you do not send this information, the Ref Assignor will not know that the game is scheduled, and you will most likely not have officials for your games.
U8/U9 will receive 2 officials and U11C - U13A will run on a 3-man system.
U15C regular season games booked through New West Ref Assignor,, as we’re part of the President’s league.
U15A and above
U15A and above regular season games are booked through Zone 4 Assignor, Candis Hodson,
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact our VMHA Referee Assignor