Collective Letter to BC Hockey
Re: Working Together in the Best Interests of the Game
Dear Directors:In this time of transition for hockey in BC, we hope we can open a dialogue and be a support to you.
Making a leadership change was a bold decision and one that we know was difficult, but it shows
leadership and purpose from you. It is our desire to work with a shared purpose as you undertake to
select a new CEO.
Fundamentally, we believe that for the future success of the game a new focus and support for the
grassroots, particularly as it relates to programming and growing the game, is needed.
Our perception is that BC Hockey’s focus has been too much on top-down programming instead of
focusing on where “the rubber meets the road” and helping minor hockey associations deliver the
best possible hockey experience to their members. There is an opportunity for a fresh partnership.
The following is an outline of priorities we have identified:.