Hello VMHA Community,
With the 2022 AGM now passed, I would like to welcome new directors Phil Aguirre as Treasurer, Cora Burnette as Tournament Director, and Quyen Cheng as VP3. Won Nam who was previously our Fundraising Director is now VP1. This does leave a hole in the Fundraising Director's role. All of the events have been established, with proven templates, and typically overseen by committees. This is an important role as it deals with fundraising and community events. Without this role, programming can be affected. Anyone interested please contact president@vmha.com
I would also like to extend the board’s gratitude for past directors that have left their position. Gord Rumohr as VP3, Kern Chiu as Treasurer, Noy Leksinski as Tournament Director, and Mike Coderre as a former Fundraising and recent VP1 Director. These individuals have created a strong legacy and established their portfolio for the new Directors to step into these roles with ease.
With the new Hockey Ops role lead by Phil Lam, planning has begun for summer camps and rep tryouts. He has contacted lead coaches in the U6 and U7 divisions to plan their season.
The member survey has closed and we will begin reviewing the hits and misses to make improvements along the way for the upcoming season.
Many of the rep coaches are in place and an official announcement is forthcoming.
The Pacific Coast AGM was held on May 29 with some changes to regulations, rules and new President, James Rae now at the helm. The upcoming BC Hockey AGM is on June 11.
In the meantime, please enjoy the off-season and we will keep our membership up to date through the weekly communications.
Play on...
Nick Santorelli
VMHA President