VMHA 2023 Hockey Day 3 On 3 Tournament

November 4, 2023 - PNE Agrodome

This event is for VMHA members only


Teams 3 players per team, no more than 1 A/Major player per team and no coaching.  Goalies will be provided. Therefore, every team must consist of 1 Major/A player and 2 Minor/C players
Format 7 minutes games, double elimination (each team guaranteed two games)
Ice Format All teams play cross ice
Schedule U9   (8 Teams) 10:00am 11:40am
U7   (6 Teams) 11:45am 12:45pm
U11 (8 Teams) 1:00pm 2:45pm
U13 (8 Teams) 3:00pm 4:45pm


What you should know before you register:


  • All teams’ registrations MUST have 3 players, a goalie will be provided for each team.
  • There MUST be at least 2 “C” or “Minor” players on the team. In other words, no more than 1 “A”  or “Major” player per team.
  • Goalies must commit to playing all games for your division.
  • Team registrations with less than 3 players will be removed and asked to register again once a full team has been formed.
  • Players who register individually will be placed on a team by the tournament organizer, however a spot is NOT guaranteed.
  • A team is NOT considered officially registered until an acknowledgement has been sent to the registrants confirming registration
  • Players can ONLY be registered to a single team. Any player registered to more than once will be removed and will have to register again.
  • Each registration MUST have a phone number and email that will be responded to immediately in case we have questions.
  • IMPORTANT - Player families should check their age groups scheduled playing time and ensure there is no other conflict.

3 on 3 Tournament Rules


Game Start:

  1. There will be a 5-10 minute warm up before each group tournament, as time allows.
  2. Players must be ready to step on the ice immediately upon the conclusion of the preceding game.
  3. Clock will begin to run 3 mins after the conclusion of every game.
  4. Each game will begin with a face-off at centre ice position
  5. Each game is 7 mins long running time. Horn will sound at 3.5 mins, at which time teams will switch sides (only applicable when there are goalies).


Game Rules:

  1. Icings and offside are not called in games
  2. Change of possession
  • Out of Play: When the puck goes out of play, the team not responsible for the stoppage in play will be awarded the puck. A minimum of ten feet of clearance shall be given to resume play. No face-off will occur.
    ● Goal Scored: When a goal is scored, the scoring team is required to retreat into their defensive zone until the puck is brought forward over the centre ice line by the other team. If the scoring team intentionally touches the puck prior to clearing the offensive zone, a penalty shot will be awarded. A team clearing the puck after being scored upon has only 10 seconds to proceed past the centre ice line, or possession will be awarded to the other team.
    ● Any other stoppage of play caused by a team will result in possession of the puck being awarded to the team not responsible for the stoppage of play.
  1. There is no intentional body contact allowed at any divisional level of this tournament. Any intentional body contact or fighting may result in automatic ejection of the offending player. The remaining players may be allowed to continue shorthanded.
  2. During the game, the referee’s decision is final. A zero-tolerance approach will be used by the referee towards aggressive and/or abusive coaches, players, and spectators.
  3. In the event of a tie, there will be a shoot-out on a single goalie. The winner is the first team to score when the other team does not.



  1. Players are not permitted to play up a division.
  2. Substitute Players can only be allowed to play under special circumstances and upon approval of the tournament organizer.
  • Under such special circumstances teams may be permitted to borrow other players at the same or lower-level skill and the same age division or down one age group, if the rule stating the maximum number of “A” players per team has been followed
  1. Under no circumstances can a player who is not registered on a team play in the 3 on 3 tournament. Failure to abide by this rule will result in a game default and possible team ejection from the tournament.
  2. At least 1 adult must be behind the bench for U7-U9 and U11 aged teams.
  3. A coach or parent representative must be always present or very close to the dressing room while occupied by players, to help organize and to monitor the safety of players.