VMHA AGM April 4th 2018 7:00 to 9:00 PM
VMHA annual general meeting (AGM) April 4th 2018 7:00 – 9:00 PM, sign in 6:30 to 7:00PM Britannia Secondary School Auditorium, 1001 Cotton Drive Vancouver BC, see also full announcement below.
Please consider running for one of the following 8 positions that are up for re-election in 2018. As a very general rule (it depends on the position and time of year) the time commitments are approximately: 1 board meeting a month 2 hours, 1 hour preperation for board meeting, emails 6 hours, committee meetings (optional) 3 hours, other work, research and strategy 3 hours — total 15 hours/month.
From VMHA consitution Section 39.b) at Annual General Meetings falling in even numbered years, elections shall be held for the offices of: First Vice-President, Treasurer, Registrar, Referee-in-Chief, Fund Raising Coordinator, Ice Coordinator, Tournament Director and Volunteer Coordinator.
Background information: 15 Board of Directors positions and Job Descriptions
BC Societies Act changes due November 2018 including altering and approval at AGM of VMHA constitution. On page https://www.vmha.com/policies-and-procedures/ VMHA BC Societies Act UPDATED Constitution Changes
Other notable recent changes:
- The board has passed a motion in March 2018 to hire a paid administrator for the purpose of registrar and ice allocator. Registrar and Ice volunteer board positions remain intact.
- Johnny Mahovolich’s Director of Hockey contract ends April 1, 2018 has not been renewed.
(the “Society”)
TAKE NOTICE that the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Society will be held at:
Britannia Secondary School Auditorium
1001 Cotton Drive Vancouver BC
7:00 – April 4 th , 2018
and that it is intended that the following business will be transacted:
1. Reports by the President and Executive Committee Members.
2. Report by the Treasurer and consideration of the Financial Statements.
3. Consideration of Special Resolution to amend the By-Laws of the Society.
4. Election of Directors of the Society.
ALSO TAKE NOTICE that it is intended to propose the resolution attached hereto as
Schedule A as a special resolution to amend by-laws.
DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia this 15th day of March 2018.