Weekly News – Mar 18
A Message from our Acting President, Nick Santorelli
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hockey Canada has given notice that all practices, games, playoffs, championships, jamborees, tournaments and any associated events are cancelled effective immediately.
Vancouver Minor is heavily affected by these necessary cancellations and respect the impact that social distancing will have on this unprecedented public health situation.
VMHA will postpone both the April 4th Volunteer Dinner and the April 16th AGM at this time.
Spring training programs are currently on hold while the situation continues to be monitored. Members will be notified with any updated information.
We have enjoyed a wonderful regular season at VMHA and thank all players, coaches, assistant coaches, parents, volunteers and families for their participation.
VMHA Association Message
Make sure to stay safe, and prioritize your families health and well-being during these unprecedented times.
There were some amazing stories that came out of our association this year – check out the VMHA social media accounts for a look back at the 2019-2020 season!
We’re looking forward to hosting everyone for the 2020-2021 Hockey Season starting in September, after a well deserved break
Volunteer Required Hours Made Easier for Upcoming Season
To encourage a more “hands-on-deck” approach, we will be adjusting the volunteer requirement next season from six hours, down to four to earn the $150 refund.
VMHA Board Positions Available:
When the AGM is rescheduled we are looking to fill a number of board positions. These include:
One year terms
- President
- Equipment Coordinator
Two year terms
- VP1
- VP3
- Tournament Coordinator
- Treasurer
- Fundraising
More info on Board Member Positions: https://www.vmha.com/board-member-positions/
Hockey Pool Update:
VMHA’s Hockey Pool winners are determined weekly based on the weekly NHL results. Given that the league suspended the 2019/2020 hockey season in response to the public health threat of the COVID-19 virus, our Hockey Pool must do the same.
As our winners are determined by weekly NHL results, VHMA must suspend our Hockey Pool accordingly until such time as the NHL resumes its schedule and completes the 2019/2020 season. Fingers crossed! If the season resumes, so will the Hockey Pool. Fingers crossed! Until then, Week 7 winning tickets will be the last week posted on our website.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and will resume if, and when, we are able.
Thank you for your patience.
VMHA Board of Directors